Haunted Tombstone brings chills up your spine – does it not? We have taken some of the local ghost tours here in Tombstone AZ. We’ve also heard about, and actually experienced, some hauntingly chilling things around town!
Are you skeptical – or a believer?
We’ll tell you all about it, the things experienced here – so you can revel in it, or judge for yourself the value of these stories!
If you are a believer – because you’ve had your own haunted types of experiences – will you share them with us? Please do!
Tombstone has a lot of history that lends itself to haunted types of experiences. This has prompted entrepreneurs to begin different types of Ghost Tour experiences.
If you’re a believer – they may be interesting or even scary. If you’re not a believer, they could just be interesting. OR you might feel you’d like to hear the information just to logically want to disprove it!
We have for you here, an assortment of the local haunted Tombstone Ghost Tours…
Tombstone Ghost Tours
Tombstone Gunfighter & Ghost Tour
Your whole family may be interested in the original haunted Tombstone Ghost Tour – the first one in town! It’s also got another credential for being the longest-running walking tour in town. So experience certainly backs them up. Their tours can flexibly manage your group for the right scary level you’re looking for, terrific for families.
Here are basic details:
- Your tour begins in the evening, check in 5:45 pm. Come along, gathering with others in front of the Visitor Center, at the corner of Allen and 4th Streets.
- You spend 90 minutes with your host, Laura. Or it might be Mike or another “Ghost Host”, who has you interacting with the latest ghost detecting technology.
- Infrared Beam Lasers
- EMF meters

- Thrill to the stories of those who walked these historical streets. And they just might make some appearances for you here in haunted Tombstone Arizona!
- For any other details, questions, or to book a tour, call them at 520-255-0474, or email them: [email protected]
We took this tour years ago, when it was an hour long. At that time it was the only haunted Tombstone ghost tour available. It wasn’t bad then, only walking through Allen Street getting the low-down on the haunted Tombstone happenings there. But now they’ve revamped it in recent years. TripAdvisor’s Excellent Ratings tell its story!
Bird Cage Theatre Ghost Tour
The Bird Cage Theatre is well known as one of the most haunted Tombstone areas. You can tour the inside As A Museum.
There are two types of ghost tours, both only suitable for those 12 and older – too intense for young children. They take you through this historic building which has been featured on Ghost Adventures, Ghost Lab, and TAPS Ghost Hunters.
We’ve taken the Adult Tour. Some strange things happened! Maybe reflective of a haunted Tombstone experience. I’m still a little skeptical.

There were a few mysterious light flashes, and some hauntingly scary knocks. Technical meters are used to sense ghosts. One lit up a little! A woman became so scared she and her husband had to leave!
Here are the tour details:
- Get your tickets at the Bird Cage, Corner of 6th & Allen Streets between 8 am – 6 pm
- Tours every night: Family Tour 6:30 pm, ages 12+; Adult Tour 8 pm, ages 18+
- If the Adult Tour fills up – additional times of 9:30 & 11 pm may be added
- Call to inquire: (800) 457-3423 or (520) 457-3421
- Since it’s a guided tour, you go through areas of the building not available to regular daytime museum-goers.
- One part of the experience is to specifically try to attract the ghosts that have been seen or felt there – for instance – by employees. During this event, lights are turned out and you are in total darkness.
- A requirement is No Alcohol Imbibement prior to the tour!
- Tickets are $20 per person
Nora’s Place
Presents Paranormal Investigations
We haven’t yet tried their Ghost Tour. But they’ve had great feedback for their authentic haunted Tombstone Ghost Tour. After all, it’s held next door – in the Watt & Tarbell building – the old city morgue!
Can you get much more authentically ghostly than that?? I’d suspect that would be a really haunted Tombstone environment. We plan to get to it for sure!
They have nightly one-hour tours, customized for parents with younger kids, or for older kids and adults. Contact them for full details.
Their location is at 521 East Allen Street – which is their shop, next door to the old Watt & Tarbell Undertaker’s morgue! Get to them on the South side of Allen, between 5th & 6th Streets.

You can call for Ghost Tour information at their number, or email them for all the needed information:
- [email protected]
- (520) 210-2810

Haunted Tombstone Locals & Visitors
Our Ghostly Visitor Experiences
We’re Karen & Bill – We’ve lived here in Tombstone, but haven’t always lived here. But we’d always been regular visitors. We moved here after we retired. It was something we always wanted to do, because we love the town & its history.
When we’ve visited we’ve stayed in Tombstone Motels, or we’ve chosen other options, such as Bed & Breakfasts. One particular B & B had a haunted Tombstone history to it. It was the Tombstone Bordello B & B. The Welcome Book in our room described its ghosts!
Originally located in the Red-light district, it was on Allen Street between 6th & 7th Streets. As Tombstone was modernized, the area was razed in 1923 and a school built there. This 1881 home was moved to this location at 107 W. Allen St. A judge owned it, and along with his wife updated it with modern utilities. Finally it became a B & B and still is.
The haunted Tombstone spirit visitors there seem to be associated with it being a brothel. Bill senses the spirit world more easily than I do. But on occasion I do see glimpses. I did so there. I saw a fleeting glimpse of a man in a long dark coat – like a Duster. Bill also saw a woman in a flowing gown. He almost continually had this uneasy sense of a presence there.
The entire place has now been remodeled, unfortunately, from the authentic look it had when we stayed there. We don’t know if the ghostly presence is still there or not. If You Stay – we’d love to hear if you have any of those types of “haunted Tombstone” experiences!
Would you be willing to tell us, and our visitors who are interested in these ghostly experiences, by Posting It on our Special Page for that? See The Details>
While Living In Tombstone…
When we retired we found the house we wanted to purchase in Tombstone. We knew we wanted to be in walking distance to town – yet not right in the middle of all the action. We knew the basic type of house we liked.
One day on a trip to Tombstone, we just happened upon The One! Called the realtor – and before we even thought it would happen – it was ours!
A fixer-upper, we started working on it. The original part of the house was built in 1946. There were 2 or 3 additions added on. It needed quite a bit of work – but we could make it ours, and preserve some original features that made it a Tombstone original!

After we completed much of the work, one night we were asleep in our master bedroom. About 5 in the morning I woke up and went into the master bathroom, which is ensuite. When I returned to the bedroom I saw a red flashing light outside the window, which looks out onto the street out front. I also heard voices out there – like a number of people talking.
I thought maybe there was an ambulance or police car out front. That there was something happening outside, a neighbor had called the cops or EMT. I walked into the Dining Room to look out the window where I could see better. And there was absolutely nothing going on! I was surprised, but I just went back to sleep.
In the morning, Bill said he had awakened early in the morning & heard voices outside – but just went back to sleep. I told him my experience. We both knew that it had to be spirits of the past!
Then we thought about the date. It was actually late October – not the anniversary of the Gunfight at the OK Corral. It was actually about 3 days before that!
We found out that the house sits above the site of the California Mine. Every area in the town of Tombstone, plus the hills of Tombstone, was a mine site. We don’t know, of course, what residual spirits triggered that weird event.
In The Crystal Palace

Regularly area Local Folk go into the Crystal Palace for a few drinks and some conversation. A friend of ours told us about a day he and some others we know were sitting in their usual spot near the pool table.
No one was at the table at the moment, playing pool. The Crystal wasn’t that crowded. A number of visitors were eating an afternoon meal at the tables. A few others were at the bar. The pool ball set-up had been left on the table.

All of a sudden, our friend Bob, along with a few others, saw the cue ball zoom down and hit the other balls! They were amazed! They had never seen anything like that happen before in there.
I know there are stories, though, of other haunted Tombstone occurrences in many areas of town. Such as within the walls of the Crystal Palace! Within some of the motels in town, such as the former Budget motel (Now it’s called the Tombstone Motel), which has a historic Old Adobe section. Within the walls of what now is Big Nose Kates!
And the infamous Brunckow Cabin and mine!

Big Nose Kate’s Swamper?
When you enter Big Nose Kate’s – take a look at their menu. You should read the story they have there. It talks a bit about their history. You know their origins – the Saloon hasn’t been there since the 1880s, after all. It was there in the beginning as the Grand Hotel. It certainly was grand! And sadly in the calamitous Fire of 1882, it burned to the ground – with very little left.
One thing their menu story does tell you, is the story about “The Swamper” – a guy who lived below the Grand. He may have had some mining experience, doing the job of A Swamper – which would seem reasonable. But he lived in the basement, because he was the Grand’s janitor – so the story goes. It was there he also had dug a connection to the mine tunnels, which are beneath the surface of the town. In doing so, he secretly collected his own silver stash.
This “Legend of the Swamper” [key word here: “legend”] doesn’t go into his demise. But it does state no one knows what became of his hoard of silver – was it spent, or was it buried within the ruins of the burnt-out Grand Hotel? What they do know, is there have been sightings of ghostly figures in Big Nose Kate’s Saloon.

I just wonder about that Big Nose Kate Swamper story. While I was doing research, I found something. I wondered if they were influenced to create this “Legend of the Swamper” when they were doing some 1880s research themselves. And found this story of a Swamper in Phoenix, who worked for local Old West Saloons. He burned to death in a fire.
The creators may have put together that Fitzsimmons Swamper story with the 1882 Tombstone Grand fire. Combining the two, to come up with this “Legend.” Of course, I’m surmising that – just my conjecture, my opinion!!

Tell Us: Your Own Ghostly Experiences…
We’d love to hear about your own haunted Tombstone experiences!
Did you get a spooky photo? Please, will you share it with us? Or can you tell us about the eerie happening while staying at a local spot? Do you have a great picture you’ve taken at a Ghost Town somewhere – and will share it?
We’d love to hear about your experience! Or any spooky, scary experience you can tell us about! We have a place to do that – Click Here.
And go there to see the haunted experiences of others!