Tombstone Quotes from the 1993 Tombstone Movie are a common talking point for fans! Have you gotten together with friends who love that great Western film? And then start discussing which are the 10 best lines?
Do the quotes by Doc Holliday top your list? Some of those just really crack you up! Don’t you think so?
Maybe you like some of the Tombstone movie quotes from Wyatt Earp? Some of those quips were a little more serious – yes, dramatically poignant and unforgettable!
- Get Wyatt Earp’s Memorable Tombstone Quotes>
How many times have you watched the film Tombstone? With these fantastic, quirky passages?
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Do you have a favorite quote from the 1993 Tombstone Movie? I know I have a few! It’s difficult to pick just one. What do you think? –

Doc Holliday’s Tombstone Quotes
Doc Holliday had a way with words. Doc’s Tombstone film quotes are legendary! He incorporated sarcasm with intelligence. His are probably most (if not all) of the top 10 quotes of the Tombstone movie! Take a look…
In the Oriental Saloon, Big Nose Kate & Doc's first encounter with Johnny Ringo: Ringo - You must be Doc Holliday. Doc - That's the rumor. Ringo - You retired, too? Doc - Not me, I'm in my prime. Ringo - Yeah, you look it. Doc - Uh, you must be Ringo. Look Darlin', Johnny Ringo. The deadliest pistoleer since Wild Bill, they say. What do you think, darlin'? Should I hate him? Kate - You don't even know him. Doc - No. That's true, but I don't know. There's just somethin' about him. Somethin' 'round the eyes. I don't know, reminds me of - me! No, I'm sure of it - I hate him.
After Morgan Earp was killed & Virgil Earp's arm destroyed by Cowboy assassins, Wyatt rounds up friends to get vengeance. Turkey Creek Jack Johnson is there to help. So is Doc, whose health has visibly worsened. Johnson - What the hell you doin' this for anyway? Doc - Wyatt Earp is my friend. Johnson - Hell, I got lots of friends. Doc - I don't.
Earlier that day Johnny Tyler had a run-in with Wyatt Earp. Tyler's now on Allen St. coming toward Wyatt. At the same time Doc Holliday just gets into town & sees Wyatt, with Tyler coming at him. Doc apparently knows Tyler, greets him & asks him why the shotgun? Then he turns to Wyatt & begins talking to his old friend. After a bit, he looks at Tyler again... Doc - Oh Johnny, I apologize. I forgot you were there. You may go now.
Doc noticed that Wyatt had a particular eye on the actress, Josephine Marcus, who played the Devil in the play they saw the previous evening. While at the Oriental Saloon, he asks Wyatt if he considers himself "a married man, forsaking all others." He claims yes, that sometime "you gotta grow up." Doc asks about the actress, what if she walked in. Wyatt says "I'd ignore her." Sure enough, she enters. Wyatt just comments "Aw, hell." But he does ignore her, as Josie is entertained by Sheriff Behan. Wyatt - Satisfied? Doc - I stand corrected, Wyatt. You're an oak!
Doc's playing poker & drinking with the Clantons, McLaurys & others all night. Big Nose Kate & others are concerned. They're trying to get Doc to go home & get some sleep. Wyatt approaches him... Doc - Wyatt, just in time. Pull up a chair. Wyatt - Doc, you been hittin' it awful hard, haven't ya? Doc - Nonsense. I've not yet begun to defile myself.
As this same poker game goes on Ike Clanton gets irate. He accuses Doc Holliday of cheating - that nobody is that lucky to win so often. Doc responds... Doc - Why Ike, whatever do you mean?... Maybe poker's just not your game, Ike. I know, let's have a spelling contest.
Dr. Goodfellow just saw Doc, as he took a turn for the worse. He tells Doc his habits must change, including denying his "marital impulse." Big Nose Kate is at his side now, claiming how she takes care of him. But watching her - that doesn't seem so true. Kate - Don't I always take care of ya? Nobody cares for you like me. I'm a good woman. Doc - Yes, it's true, you are a good woman. Then again, you may be the Antichrist.
Ike Clanton, especially, has been shooting his mouth off around town. Saying he's out for the Earps & Doc Holliday. Other cowboys in town have been doing the same. The Earps are discussing the situation. Virgil plans to find them & disarm them to avoid a problem. Wyatt - It's not your problem, Doc. You don't have to mix up in this. Doc - That is a hell of a thing to say to me.
Wyatt's Vendetta Posse tracked his brothers' assassins into the Whetstone Mountains. During a shootout with them, Wyatt killed Curly Bill Brocius & others - while bullets whizzed by him, even connecting with his coat. But none touched his body. After the shootout, one of his Posse asks Doc where's Wyatt? Doc replies... Doc - Down by the creek, walkin' on water.
Wyatt & Doc get into a philosophical discussion about Johnny Ringo. Wyatt - What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does? Doc - A man like Ringo, got a great empty hole right through the middle of him.... Wyatt - What does he need? Doc - Revenge. Wyatt - For what? Doc - Bein' born.
Doc Holliday is in a Colorado hotel, on his deathbed. Wyatt Earp comes into the room to see him. Doc - No! Here! Look at this! Hello, Wyatt. Father Feeney & I were just, investigating the mysteries of the church of Rome. It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.
During Wyatt Earp's visit to Doc Holliday's deathbed, their last discussion becomes a little philosophical. Doc remembers a past love... Doc - She was all I ever wanted. What did you want? Wyatt - Just to live a normal life. Doc - There's no normal life Wyatt. There's just life. Now get on with it.
What about the Tombstone Movie's Huckleberry Quote? Somewhat after the OK Corral Gunfight, Wyatt & Doc Holliday run into Johnny Ringo (as portrayed by Michael Biehn). Wyatt doesn't want more difficulty with him & his Cowboy cohorts. A tense, but sarcastic conversation takes place. Ringo - You wretched slugs. Don't any of ya have the guts to play for blood? Doc - I'm your huckleberry. That's just my game. CLICK FOR WHAT DOC MEANT>
This is during the gunfight at OK Corral. Frank McLaury has been shot, but has Doc Holliday in the crosshairs.
Frank McLaury – I’ve got you now, you son of a bitch!
Doc, holding out both his arms wide – You’re a daisy if ya do!
Morgan Earp shoots and kills Frank.
Wyatt Earp’s Tombstone Quotes
In the 1993 movie Tombstone, Wyatt Earp comes across as mostly an honest, hard-working guy who wants to get a good start in town. He’s there to live a decent life. But he’s a no-nonsense man, who knows what he wants. He has no trouble stating his view of the facts in any of his Tombstone quotes. He does it in a straightforward manner, with a type of macho attitude.
See what do you think of some of his unforgettable Tombstone quotes?
Before arriving in Tombstone, Wyatt encounters U.S. Marshall Crawley Dake. Wyatt jumps to the conclusion that Dake is trying to recruit him for a law job in the Territory. Wyatt tells him why he's heading for Tombstone... Wyatt - To strike it rich. Dake - ....Tell you one thing, though: Never saw a rich man, who didn't wind up with a guilty conscience. Wyatt - I already got a guilty conscience. Might as well have the money too.
Just arriving in Tombstone, Wyatt & his brothers meet the County Sheriff, John Behan. Wyatt again assumes he's trying to recruit him for a law job. Wyatt - Gave all that up, Sheriff. Goin' into business. Behan - Going into business, huh? Then I'm the man to see. Besides sheriff, I'm also tax collector, Captain of the Fire Brigade, & Chairman of the nonpartisan Anti-Chinese League. Wyatt - Yeah, a man of many parts.
Wyatt enters the Oriental Saloon to find a bully, Johnny Tyler, running the Faro game. He decides he could take over running that game & confronts him... Wyatt - Just want to let you know you're sittin' in my chair. Tyler - Is that a fact? Wyatt - Yeah, it's a fact. Tyler - For a man that don't go heeled, you run your mouth kinda reckless, don't ya? Wyatt - No need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you.
During Wyatt's confrontation with bully, Johnny Tyler, he has a few other choice phrases to say to him... Wyatt - Go ahead! Go ahead, skin it! Skin that smoke wagon & see what happens. Tyler - Listen, mister, I, I'm gettin' awful tired of your, I'm gettin' tired of your gas. Wyatt - Now jerk that pistol & go to work. I said throw down, boy. Wyatt slaps him a few times, until his lip is bleeding! Wyatt - You gonna do somethin' or just stand there & bleed?
Wyatt's dealing Faro when Ike Clanton comes into the Oriental & they meet for the first time. Ike - Wyatt Earp, huh? Heard of you. Listen now, Mr. Kansas Law Dog. Law don't go around here, Savvy? Wyatt - I'm retired. Ike - Good. That's real good. Yeah. Yeah, that's real good, law dog, 'cause law just don't go around here. Wyatt - Yeah! I heard you the first time.
After the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, Sheriff Behan approaches the Earps & Doc to try to show his "muscle." Behan - All of you are under arrest. Wyatt - I don't think I'll let you arrest us today, Behan.
Watch Some Great Tombstone Quotes Here…
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The Tombstone 1993 Movie has become a tremendous favorite of so many people throughout the world, even! Who loves it? For example:
- Fans of Westerns
- People who love the Old Wild West
- Those who love the Town of Tombstone Arizona
Why do you love the Tombstone film? Maybe because it had such a well-chosen, excellent Cast of Actors! Maybe because of such a well-done, creative script, that had some basis in fact. We’re sure you must have your own reasons. You can include that in your comments below, too! We’d love to hear from you.
This has become my favorite Western movie; hands down Great cast, great story, great quotes especially “I’ll be your Huckleberry “. Own the DVD and my husband and I watch it 2 or 3 times a month. Yeah, we know the lines and it’s just a fantastic movie. Happy this movie was made. Your fan, Mary